#new year ask game
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 months ago
Any question you say? When are you punning at (flirting with) xhanisai next?
-Anon the Coward
I appreciate the self awareness.
But you misspelled torture. Spelling it with an F is weird.
Though as for when I pun at xhanisai, you will know.
Because there will usually be a threat about me being stabbed attached to it
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klavat · 2 months ago
11. Something you want to do again next year?
16. Post a picture from the beginning of the year
17. Post a picture from the end of the year
19. What’re you excited about for next year?
11. To visit sea again, but actually swim this time
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What a vibe it was!
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Well. Yeah. Got into Ghazkhull/Yarrick recently
19. Wh40k Mechanicus 2!!! With David Guillaume's soundtrack and NECRON CAMPAIGN PLAYABLE🍸🍸🍸 We're so back with this one
Also Little nightmares 3
Aside from games: getting some good 3d printer 🤔
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snootlestheangel · 2 months ago
Ask game :
🛳: Are there any new ships you want to write for? (Platonic, romantic, or anything in between.)
Honestly just gonna try to focus on the fics I have now, which hopefully means I can work more on the NikPrice and GazAlex stuff I have.
🎃 Do you plan on writing any seasonal fics?
I actually had an idea for something for Halloween this year and I just couldn't get the time to focus on it, and I quickly lost the energy for it. I'd love to have it done before October cause it's a long one shot thing, but I'd be fine with it being my seasonal fic for next year. Could also be persuaded to write something about the Riley family's relationship with Christmas 👀
Here's the ask game!
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papierflamingo · 1 year ago
5 & 11 für das Askgame bitte 🥰
5: Which WIP is first on your list to complete this year? Will you post a snippet?
Wie immer schreibe (und denke) ich an mehreren Ideen gleichzeitig. Meine längeren FF haben unterschiedliche Ansprüche an mich und daher weiß ich nicht was wirklich zuerst kommt. Vermutlich ist es aber das hier:
Er versuchte, die Lichter, den Lärm und die Menschen um ihm herum auszublenden. Die tanzende Masse unter ihm auf der Tanzfläche des Clubs, er stand etwas erhöht darüber, das Geländer hoch und das Licht diffus genug (…) Da, gegenüber, ein paar Meter entfernt, stand ein junger Mann, (…) und starrte zu ihm, hob sich in unregelmässigen Abständen eine Flasche Bier an den Mund und hörte nicht auf zu ihm zu blicken. Die Augen durchbohrten ihn regelrecht, er begann zu schwitzen. (…) Ein Mann kam zu dem Typen, der andere drehte sich mit einem Lächeln zu ihm und schon – küssten sie sich.
(Aus dramaturgischen Gründen gekürzt). Dieses Bild rennt mir seit Anfang 2023 nach.
11: Would you like to try any new fanfic genres or tropes this year?
Ich glaube ich kann dieses Jahr „Ex to lovers“ neu bedienen. Im Genre-Bereich kann es mal etwas mehr Drama geben - und generell etwas mehr Streit in allen FF (Eine Versöhnung kann ja auch was schönes sein). Es wird eventuell vermutlich auch etwas schmerzhaft sein, doch man weiß wohl mittlerweile was man erwarten kann von mir ;)
Alle „New Year“-Fragen findet ihr hier 💛
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yoonguurt · 1 year ago
for the fanfic end of the year asks~ 12, 14, and 25! 🥰💖
Kate! Welcome to the ask box, dear!
12. Favorite character to write about this year?
Ok look, Chris is the love of my life. The Most Wonderful Time of the Year was so fun to write and I absolutely LOVE that Chris.
14. A fic you didn't expect to write?
I can't find the link because I forgot to put it on my masterlist, but I wrote a Jongho comfort drabble literally while I was at work. It wasn't planned, I just felt sad and wrote comfort for myself.
25. A fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read?
I will say this until I die, but Star Lost With You is so so SO good. @kwanisms freak out about this together every time a new chapter comes out. I could also go on about Ki for days but her More Than Just Friends and Library of Illusions series really hit hard for me. OH! and her Did You See That which is the sequel to Did You Hear That is so good. Last one I promise, but 3 Tangerines by @kithtaehyung I've been following it since it started and I will love this story long after it's finished. I have recs for days.
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pearlypairings · 1 year ago
I like those “upcoming year” asks! Can I have #6 please? 🎶💕
love this one losty!!
6. Is there a song or a playlist that you want to be the mood setter for your year?
It's a fun silly bop and I hope my year is half as eccentric as this deeee-lite of a song!!!!
new year asks
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shrinkthisviolet · 1 year ago
16 & 24 for the Fan Fic New Year ask game!
16. Do you have that one fanfic that you wrote a ton for, ages ago, but never posted? Will this be the year, come hell or high water, that it WILL get finished and posted?
Yep, I have two! The Bumizumi time travel AU (Book 1 fic)...and the ck interlude fic 😅 and...man I hope so. I miss those AUs, and I do intend to get back to them, it's just hard when the Flash and Star Wars are my current fixations (and CK and ATLA are more inactive fandoms for me currently). I do hope I can post more of those fics this year, but...it would surprise me if I actually ended up doing that 😅
24. By the end of this year, you want your fandom to think of you as “that author who _______.”
“that author who really loves platonic soulmatism” for sure 😂
new year fanfic ask game!
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burningchandelier · 1 year ago
11, 13 and 18!
11. Something you want to do again next year
This is so awesome and specific and I am so glad that I can answer it! This year, in September, I got to go to New York and see Thursday with my best friend. It was incredibly special and so much fun. Next year, in February, we are planning to do it again. I am even more excited this time, because we are going to stay for two nights and really do it up right. I feel so lucky!
13. How was your birthday this year?
My birthday this year was absolute dog shit. We were moving houses and everyone was overwhelmed and cranky. I did not feel well. It was scorching outside. Things just really did not go well. The plans that I made didn't happen. I was all around incredibly sad and lonely. Things did get a whole lot better in the following months, so that is a nice silver lining. Looking back, it is wonderful to see how far I have come since then.
18. A memorable meal this past year?
Funny enough, it was take out from an Indian restaurant that we ate sitting on the couch while watching TV. It wasn't anything grand or super fancy. It was just incredibly good food, and a nice, relaxed day with people I love. That is my ideal, if I'm being honest.
Also, I had been looking for a good place to get Indian food for a while and I found one, so that was exciting.
Thank you for sending me questions to answer! This was so fun. <3 <3 <3
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slashercult · 1 year ago
Hello. Thank you for the new year prediction game!
Something good that happened to me this year was that i processed some feelings i was holding onto. It was a tough but liberating moment. I learned the importance of reading psychological books as they help me go through life alot more smoothly.
A mini prediction for you next year is that a big or a good opportunity will come your way (be it career wise or take it as it resonates) , it will make you stressful ( i felt stress a bit while channeling ) but that feeling will pass and you'll feel great later on that you took this opportunity.
A youtube video that brings me comfort is "some rough advice for the real world" by vlogbrothers. I'm a teen ( soon to be an adult ) and that video comforts me alot. You can watch it anytime you want. But ig if you're adult and have already gone through stuffs and epiphanies then this might be a bit boring for you. So i have one more video suggestions for you and that is– "a girl proposes to a nurse on anesthesia" it's an adorable video.
The question i wanna ask is 🕯️- what should i focus on the next year?
I hope november is going nice for you. Take care
hello!! thank you for participating in this game! i hope the mini prediction that you had for me that more opportunities will come through. as for the video you sent, im not an adult yet as well, i use this blog to mainly give free readings and occasionally exchange readings to get more practice. tarot is a hobby for me and it makes me really happy to see the different ways that it has helped people. but im getting off track here - the video that you sent was really helpful, im at a weird time in my life where i am confused as to what i want for myself in the future so it really resonated, thank you! this is getting a bit too long so let's move on to your reading then shall we?
your energy as of right now: temperance, the fool, the devil (r) what should you focus on in 2024: three of cups, the star (r), nine of pentacles (r) oracle cards: the elk and the ash (strength)
i type and then pull out more cards when i usually do readings, so i don't know what will come next after im done typing something. it's almost like its my train of thought in a way, anyways i hope you enjoy. for your current energies, i got only major arcana cards, all of which carry really good news, so im seeing that you are at a really stable place right now. the image coming into mind is a very serene and calm scene at the beach right after a storm. the crabs and little creatures are ready to come out and explore all that the beach has to offer. the first card that you got was temperance, which shows me that you already have a vision of what it is you want to achieve from the new year. it's also showing that you have recently found peace within yourself and are putting your skills to good use. the fool is also saying that you are ready to embrace new changes in your life. you are at a point in your journey where you are ready to try new things and be more authentic to yourself. you're excited for the new opportunities that the new year has to offer. the devil reversed just confirms this even further, by showing that you are reclaiming your power. you are not going to back down again and let everything be swept away by the waves before you have the chance to be near it. the new year is the perfect opportunity to spend more time with family, friends, anyone that you really love and cherish. the cards are also telling me that you shouldn't feel afraid to turn to others for support when you need it, because im seeing that there are a lot of people who want you to succeed in the new year. there may be times in the new year where you feel as though everything is turned against you, but the cards assure that if you are able to keep being hopeful and surrounding ourselves with positive energy you will be able to effectively deal with this lack of motivation/creativity. 2024 is the time for you to take a few steps back from everything and relax and regain your strength. the oracles are guiding you to remember your strengths, because much like the elk and the ash, you are strong and are able to withstand the days when the weather is tough and harsh. that's all for your reading, please don't forget to leave feedback, i hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful new year!
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 months ago
How would you have exposed Lila/Cerise as the lying liar who lies?
Google and a wig snatch
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jittyjames · 1 year ago
🥵 💌
🥵- probably lmao. i'm horrible at writing smut tho. it's still really fun regardless!!
💌- bestie!!! I'm always open to accepting requests. I'm so slow at actually doing them, but I love getting them!! I'm always looking for prompts and inspirations, and getting requests lets me know what you guys want to see!! my inbox is always open!!
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snootlestheangel · 2 months ago
🛏 Is there a new trope you'd like to write this year?
🎉 How are you going to be kind to yourself if you don't meet your goals?
💖 What is your primary writing goal for this year?
👻 Is there a new genre you'd like to write?
🛏 Is there a new trope you'd like to write this year?
Never done a "there was only one bed" and would love to do a little one shot for it or something. It'd be a good project for if I'm struggling with my main WIPs
👻 Is there a new genre you'd like to write?
Horror. I've not actually done anything serious for it, I've got something in the works, and I don't really count the Left4Dead au. It's not quit as dark and grim as I want the project I have ongoing to be. I think I could make a really good horror writer
And the other two were answered here in the previous one
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lilybug-02 · 5 months ago
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I have a yearly tradition where every October I change my Bread mascot. At first it was just a costume change, but now it’s evolved into something much more exciting!
Just like last year, the chosen character will be able to answer more asks than usual and participate in the fabled “Tumblr Trick-or-Treat Ask Game” on Halloween Night 🕷️😈🦇 basically you’ll just send an ask and get digital candy 🖤🤎
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Uhh don't mind Devil Bread planning the winner's downfall 👀😅
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chloesimaginationthings · 1 year ago
Why does William afton look like Saul Goodman? I'm sorry but I saw he and i said; "what? Saul Goodman is the purple guy" 😱
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You don’t gotta apologize, I was watching “Better call Saul” at the time
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papierflamingo · 1 year ago
Nr 8 und 18 vom Askgame bitte ☺️🤗
8: Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is this the year? Can you tell us about it?
Es scheitert bei mir nie am Mut, sondern am Wissen, was ich kann - und was nicht. Ich bin in die Ecke RomCom gebucht, mit Schwerpunkt Fluff und Humor und Established Relationship :) Drama pur liegt mir schlecht, Mega große FF mit sehr vielen Fäden und Protagonisten stressen mich mehr als sie mich glücklich machen. Ich traue mich aber im diesem Jahr an eine FF, in der nicht sofort alles Sweet und happy ist - wenn mich JK nicht doch noch manipulieren und es softer gestalten als gedacht :D (meine Beta wird das zu verhindern wissen 😘)
18: Do you typically post multi-chapters as you write, or finish it all and then start posting? Would you like to change your posting method? 
Gute Frage!! Yogieren für Anfänger und Das, was ich will, bist du waren „live“. Bei meinen Yogis hatte ich einen Plan und viel vorgeschrieben - aber nicht bei den anderen, deswegen waren so lange Pausen zwischen den Kapiteln. Das wird geändert ✌🏻Wenn auch nicht alles bis ins letzte Komma ausgeschrieben wird, so möchte ich diesmal zu einem Ende kommen bevor das erste Kapitel online geht, um einen schönen Rhythmus für den Leser zu haben und mich nicht so zu stressen. (Ja ich bin selbst sehr gespannt wie das funktioniert)
Alle „New Year“-Fragen findet ihr hier 💛
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yoonguurt · 1 year ago
i wanna play! for the ask game, i wanna know the answers to 18, 19, and 30 😽 love you lots!
(also if you didn’t know it’s solar <3)
MY BABY!!!!!!!!!
18. Current number of wips?
With the one I am currently about to start writing, 6
19. Any new fics to start next year?
Quite a few, actually. I went through my docs and sorted everything out and I will be rebooting a few of my old fics and I have new things planned!
30. Favorite fandom to read fics from this year?
Stray Kids or Seventeen. I think they will always be at the top of my list since 3 out of 4 ults are in those groups.
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